University of Batanghari obtains Visitation from Rector of Insaniah University College (KUIN) Kedah Darul Aman Malaysia, Prof. Datuk Mohd. Yusof Bin Kasim, DPTJ, PDGK, ASDK, ANS. He gave a public lecture entitled “Roles of Universities in Enhancing ASEAN Economic Community Agenda". This event took place on Thursday, February 12, 2015, which was attended by University of Batanghari students and academicians.
There are several points discussed in his presentation. Firstly, he discussed aim and characteristic of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015. Second, he described current status of universities in ASEAN Countries: with special reference to Malaysia. The last, the discussion talked about strategies in enhancing role of private universities in the context of AEC.
What is ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)? The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) shall be the goal of regional economic integration by 2015. The AEC will transform ASEAN into a region with free movement of goods, services, investment, skilled labour, and freer flow of capital. The goal of establishing AEC is to transform the region into a single market and production base with a highly competitive advantage to make it a stable and prosperous region. AEC stands for ASEAN Economic Community which comprises 10 nations in Southeast Asia.
As ASEAN, it has the land, population and potential to achieve strong economic growth, akin to the European Union. ASEAN Economic Community (AEC 2015) has some key characteristics, they are; (1) competitive economic region, (2) region fully integrated into the global economy, (3) single market and production base, (4) region of equitable economic development.
College status in ASEAN Countries indicated by the number and type of institution (source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics Data, 2011), which Cambodia has 34 public and 57 private universities, Laos has 22 public and 77 private universities, Malaysia has 20 public and 491 private universities, Philippines has 220 public and 1.636 private universities, Singapore has 5 public and 31 private universities, Thailand has 98 public and 71 private universities, Vietnam has 187 public and 28 private universities, and Indonesia has 83 public and 2.818 private universities.
In enhancing role of private universities in the context of AEC, we can prepare our university with some strategies, such as:
- Regional framework: regionalization versus nationalism.
- Conducive environment for T & L.
- Good governance & leadership.
- Quality education: accreditation and recognition.
- Medium of instruction: English and other languages.
- Quality human capital.
- Efficiency and economic of scale.
- Collaboration: inter and intra regions/universities.
In summary, he reminded that AEC creates opportunity and challenges/ threats, so try to turn threats into opportunity with collaboration and cooperation, such as utilizing the role of Association/ Government/ ASEAN in form of Bilateral/ Multilateral/ Regional cooperation, and do with right strategies. (admin,2015/02)
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